Sending a Test Push

Sending a test push gives you the ability to preview a push notification on your own device first before sending to a global audience. This ensures that the push is exactly to your liking before publishing to a wider audience. 


  1. Navigate to ‘Engage’ within your Tapcart Dashboard and select ‘Push Notifications’
  2. Toggle to either ‘Create a Push’ or ‘Automated Push’, then select a push type or push campaign
  3. Fill in the details for your test push (Headline, Message, Asset, etc)
  4. Once your test push is ready, click ‘Send a Test’ on the left side
    Screen Shot 2023-10-26 at 8.11.45 AM.png
  5. In the pop-up modal, enter your Device ID, then select ‘Send Test’
    • To obtain your Device ID, please see this link for more details
      Screen Shot 2023-10-26 at 8.13.01 AM.png
  6. Once that’s done, you should immediately receive the push notification to your device 

More Questions 

To learn more about Tapcart, visit Tapcart Academy to become a mobile app expert!

If you have additional questions regarding the Algolia Integration, we’re happy to help! Please reach out to us through LiveChat within your dashboard or email us at! 

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