TrustSpot + Tapcart

What is TrustSpot?

TrustSpot is a reviews-based platform, you can display product ratings and reviews in your app.

Why TrustSpot + Tapcart?

The TrustSpot Tapcart integration allows you to bring the reviews that have been accumulated online into your mobile app! Incorporating reviews in your app leads to an increase in engagement and conversion as social proof creates a level of trust among other app users shopping for similar products. 

How to Connect TrustSpot + Tapcart

The integration is available to all Tapcart customers and all TrustSpot customers. For more information on TrustSpot plans, check out their pricing page

In the steps below, we will walk through all the required fields you will enter when connecting this integration.



  1. Open your TrustSpot Dashboard
  2. Click on your account name in the top left corner and tap ‘Account Settings’
  3.  Navigate to the ‘General’ tab and scroll down to the bottom
  4. Copy your ‘API Key’ to your clipboard
  5. Open your Tapcart Dashboard and navigate to the Trustspot integration page
  6. Here you can paste the ‘API Key’ into the respective field
  7. Select ‘Save & Enable’ and you are all set!

How to Promote TrustSpt Reviews in App

Now that your integration has been configured on the backend. You can promote this feature by adding the reviews block to your product detail page. 

Important Note: If you are a Core Tapcart user, the 'TrustSpot Reviews Block' will automatically populate on your product detail page. 


  1. Navigate to the ‘PDP Editor’ under the ‘Tapcart Dashboard’
  2. Locate the ‘TrustSpot Reviews Block’ on the left-hand side ‘Media Blocks’ libraryScreen_Shot_2021-11-26_at_3.47.20_PM.png
  3. Drag and drop it, into your product detail page
  4. Select ‘Save’ to display changes in your app

More Questions 

To learn more about Tapcart, visit Tapcart Academy to become a mobile app expert!

If you have additional questions regarding the TrustSpot integration, we’re happy to help! Please reach out to us through LiveChat in your Tapcart Dashboard or you can email us at


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