In a recent Shopify study, they found that 84% of consumers are more likely to stick with a brand that offers a loyalty program! While 66% of customers say the ability to earn rewards actually changes their spending behavior. All in all, offering a loyalty program can be a key component to fostering your brand's ability to retain repeat shoppers.
In this lesson:
- Learn the benefits of using a loyalty integration
- Explore the different integrations we offer
- See how loyalty programs are used
You can only enable one loyalty integration at a time.
In order to utilize the loyalty functionality, the Consumer must be logged into their account. Please note that subscription products added through ReCharge will not work with loyalty programs in-app.
To view loyalty rewards account info, the User Account View will have a new CTA to view their loyalty rewards account info.
To redeem points for rewards, the Cart and Checkout Views will have a new CTA in the top-right corner that will open a new view to browse redemption options. Once a reward is redeemed, it will automatically apply to the checkout as a discount or gift card.
Important Note: Redeeming a reward is a non-reversible action. Once a consumer selects a reward to redeem, they will not be able to get points back should they change their mind. However, if the Consumer does not follow through with their purchase, the reward will be saved to cache and they will be able to view their reward in an “Unclaimed” section and be able to apply it to a future purchase.