Tapcart Developer Tools

Advanced flexibility for custom storefronts 

Within this section make a call out to the purpose of this article, providing an explanation of each feature. Developer Tools includes 5 features in the toolkit that lets your brand go beyond app screen templates, embed web features, use custom APIs, and leverage familiar tools. 


Custom Blocks

Custom Blocks supports HTML, CSS, & Javascript utilizing an in-dashboard code editor and includes a drag-and-drop editor in the app.

Web Bridge SDK 

The Web Bridge SDK enables you to embed full-page experiences from your Shopify store into your mobile app. With the Web Bridge SDK these experiences will communicate natively within the app. Want to display options for your customers to listen to your podcast and select to listen with Apple Music or Spotify? Web Bridge SDK can support this. 

Benefits of the WebBridge SDK

  • Enables a merchant to add new full-page experiences from their website in the app
  • Support for authentication where a full page experience requires auth (i.e subscription management, loyalty)
  • Feature parity with what’s on the website

Insights Data Streaming

Data Sync enables you to seamlessly transfer consumer shopping session data from Tapcart's mobile app databases into your own. This data can now further assist your brand in making informed, data-driven decisions. You can access our data in two ways upon launch:

  • Real-time data stream: Tapcart employs the "pub/sub" method, a common data pipeline approach, to publish real-time events. You can subscribe to these events, ensuring your database receives up-to-the-second updates on app performance metrics. 
  • Processed Data Table: Through the utilization of BigQuery, you can gain access to tables of data that contain your customer information. This data has already been processed, much like how we process data for our own purposes. Having updated data on a daily basis can provide you with actionable insights. 

Benefits of the Data Sync

  • Enables a merchant to add new full-page experiences from their website in the app
  • Support for authentication where a full page experience requires auth (i.e subscription management, loyalty)
  • Feature parity with what’s on the website
  • Little maintenance to keep feature parity

Sandbox Environment

The Sandbox Environment lets developers experiment with new features and design concepts and enables easy testing. Use the sandbox to try out new screens, experiences, or logic that is created in your Tapcart dashboard. 

The sandbox environment lets you build and test worry-free before pushing new code live to your mobile app.

More Questions 

Our team is here to help! To learn more about Tapcart Developer Tools, reach out to us with general questions at help@tapcart.co!  

Have a developer question? Shoot us an email at customblocksupport@tapcart.co and a member of our team will get back to you. 


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