Creating a Multi-Level Collection Menu

The multi-level collection is a menu item option that will automatically appear in your ‘Menu Sidebar’. Optimizing this feature will improve your apps’ navigation and by customizing the design banner for each collection, you will create a fully branded and aesthetically dynamic experience.

In this lesson:

  • We'll walk you through how to access the 'Multi-Level Collection Menu'
  • Learn how to customize this menu 


  1. In your Tapcart dashboard, click on the ‘App Studio’ tab and navigate to the ‘Collections’ option
  2. On the Collections page, you can select ‘Create New Group’ and populate that category with the appropriate collections
    • To rearrange the order, simply drag and drop your collectionsScreenshot 2024-03-22 at 4.13.41 PM.png
  3. To edit the details, hover over the collection and change the following settings: 
    • Edit the title
    • Show or hide the title
    • Upload a banner
    • Remove a banner
    • Delete the collection

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 4.14.35 PM.png

Pro Tip: You can drag and drop the collection over to create a group. If you want the customer to click on the category and automatically navigate to the collection, DO NOT add the same collection as a sub-group.

More Questions 

To learn more about Tapcart, visit Tapcart Academy to become a mobile app expert!

If you have additional questions about creating your multi-level collection menu, we’re happy to help! Please reach out to a Tapcart Team member through our LiveChat in your dashboard or you can email us at


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