Tapcart Insights Pro: Dashboard Overview

Tapcart Insights Pro is an e-commerce analytics dashboard that empowers you to visualize your app's performance, results, and trends to help you make strategic decisions for your business.

In this lesson:

  • Get an overview of all the important data that's collected in our Insights Pro Dashboard. 

Inside your Insights Pro Dashboard

You can access your mobile app’s analytics dashboard on the Insights tab on your Tapcart dashboard. This is your Insights Pro Dashboard Hompage - where you can see all your Metric Cards to understand your app's performance. 

You can filter the data by time ranges in years, weeks, days, or hours. To see data for another date or time range, simply click to customize the date range in the top-right of the Insights Dashboard. 



The Summary Cards are found at the top of your Insights Dashboard. These Metrics Cards are the most useful to understand your app’s daily metrics at a glance. The metrics include Sales, Sessions, and Retention.

Important Note:

  1. Chosen Time Period - This is the period of time that you can filter via the controls in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard.
  2. Previous Period - This is the period of time that is of the same length and directly precedes the chosen time period.
  3. Data Tip - These are the models of information that are displayed over a card when the user hovers on the actual visual of the data.
  4. Automated Insight - This is the data-driven insight that is displayed at the bottom of every card when it is hovered upon.



The Sales card displays the total sum of GMV of all sales that occurred on the app during the chosen time period.




The Sessions card measures the total count of all sessions that occurred in the app during the chosen time period. A session will begin when the app is brought into the foreground and a session will end when the app goes into the background and no events are fired for more than 30 minutes.




The Retention card measures the ratio of returning sessions to new sessions in the app during the chosen time period. A new session is counted when a user had their first session in the app during the chosen time period. A returning session is counted when a user had additional sessions beyond their first session in the app during the chosen time period.



Mobile App Revenue

The Mobile App Revenue card graphs the total sum of GMV of all sales on a line graph that occurred on the app during the chosen time period, as well as the very same metric, on a second line, that occurred during the previous period. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the Total Sales at the specific point in time that was hovered upon, the Total Sales in the corresponding previous period.
  • The Automated Insights of this card calculates and displays the total difference in the Sales between the chosen time period and the previous period.
  • The Comparison % of the summary number compares this number to the very same number from the previous period. For example, if Sales for YouSuper were $1,500 in a chosen time period, and were $1,000 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Sales were up 50% in the chosen time period.


App Activity

The App Activity card uses a heat map to graph the total count of all sessions by day and by hour that occurred in the app during the chosen time period. The heat map shows darker colors for hours that have a larger count of sessions (high app activity), and lighter colors for hours that have a smaller count of sessions (low app activity).

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the Total Count of Sessions for the specific hour and day that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the hour, across every day,  that has the greatest number of Sessions.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if there were 10,000 Sessions in the chosen time period, and 8,000 Sessions in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Sessions were up 25% in the chosen time period.


App Sessions

The App Sessions card uses a stacked bar chart to graph the total count of sessions, bucketed by source, that occurred on the app during the chosen time period. 

The Sources that will currently be supported are, Organic: A user directly opens the app, Push: The user opens the app from a push notification, and Deep-link: The user opens the app from a deep link.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the specific number of Sessions for the source at the specific point in time that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the total difference in the count of Sessions between the chosen time period and the previous period.
  • The Comparison % of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if there were 10,000 Sessions in the chosen time period, and 8,000 Sessions in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Sessions were up 25% in the chosen time period.


New App Sessions

The New App Customers Sessions card graphs the total count of new and returning sessions on a line graph that occurred on the app during the chosen time period. The two buckets of sessions are distinguished by the 2 lines on the graph. It displays the breakdown of the number of new and returning sessions at the specific point in time that it hovered over.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the breakdown of the number of New and Returning Sessions at the specific point in time that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the total difference in the count of Sessions between the chosen time period and the previous period.
  • The Comparison % of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if there were 10,000 Sessions in the chosen time period, and 8,000 Sessions in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Sessions were up 25% in the chosen time period.


Sessions by Platform

The Sessions by Platform Type card uses a horizontal bar chart to graph the total count of sessions broken down by device type for the chosen time period. Each device type, iOS, and Android has its own bar that represents the total count of sessions that it received during the chosen time period. The specific number of sessions for the device is displayed in the bar once hovered over.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the specific number of Sessions for the Device in the Bar that was hovered upon. 
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the total difference in the count of Sessions between the two devices during the chosen time period. 
  • The Comparison % of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period. 
    • For example, if there were 10,000 Sessions in the chosen time period, and 8,000 Sessions in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Sessions were up 25% in the chosen time period.



The Retention card uses a pie chart to graph the total count of new and returning sessions for the chosen time period. The retention rate itself is the ratio of returning sessions to new sessions during the chosen time period. New and returning sessions have its own section on the bar that represents the total count of sessions the bucket received during the chosen time period. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the specific number of Sessions for the Bucket (New, Returning) in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference between new and returning sessions during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison % of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had a Retention Rate of 30% in the chosen time period, and 20% in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Retention was up 50% in the chosen time period.



Daily Active Users

The  Daily Active Users card uses a stacked bar chart to graph the total count of daily active users that occurred on the app during the chosen time period. A user is counted as a daily active user if they visit the app at least once that day. Even if a user has multiple sessions in one day we would only count that as one Daily Active User for the day. When hovered over the given time period, the exact number of active users will display. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the specified number of unique daily active users in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in daily active users during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had 100 daily active users in the chosen time period, and 50 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that daily active users were up 100% in the chosen time period.


App Open Rate

The Open Rate card graphs the total percentage of the customer base that is opening the app in a given time frame depicted on a line graph. This metric is calculated by understanding how many unique app opens your app has for the day over the total amount of unique users that have the app downloaded. The graph shows the percentage and date range along with the percentage of the overall customers that have the app downloaded. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the open rate in the section of the line that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in open rate during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had a 10% open rate, and 8% in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that the open rate was up 25% in the chosen time period.


Source of Opens

The Source of Opens card uses a pie chart to graph the total count of users and the origin of where customers are opening the mobile app from (ie. deep-link, push notification, Instagram, email, organically). When hovered over the graph indicating the source, the exact number of users and percentage will appear.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the specific number of opens in the source of the pie chart that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in Opens during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had 100 opens in the chosen time period, and 50 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that opens were up 100% in the chosen time period.


Time to First Purchase

The Time to First Purchase card graph is displayed in a stacked bar chart to graph the average time period it takes for a user to make their first purchase after downloading an app. This metric is calculated by tracking every users' time to make their first purchase. Then, we take the average of every users’ time. Please note, if a user does not ever make a purchase this does not factor into this metric. When hovering over the graph, a prompt will appear detailing the average time it took. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the average time to first purchase in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in average time to first purchase during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had an average time to first purchase of 10 days in the chosen time period, and 5 days in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that the average time to first purchase was up 100% in the chosen time period.


App Installs

The App Installs card graphs in a stacked bar chart to display the average app installs by device type, ie. iOS or Android. This metric is calculated when a user clicks download on the app from the App or Google Play Stores'. Please note, that it does not reflect when a user deletes the app, it only reflects how many app installs happen during that time period. When hovering over the bar chart on a given date 'The Data Tip' of this card displays the average time to first purchase in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the App Installs in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in, in-app installs during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had 100 app installs in the chosen time period, and 50 app installs in a previous time period, the Comparison % would show that app installs were up 100% in the chosen time period.


Signed Up Users

The Signed Up Users card is graphed in a line graph that displays the number of users that have signed up to an account on an app at a given date and compares it to the previous period. This metric is calculated when a user creates an account within your app. Please note, that it does not reflect when a user deletes the app, only how many account sign-ups happen during that time period. When hovered over, the graph displays the date and users in comparison within one prompt.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the number of signed-up users in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in signed-up users during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had 100 signed up users in the chosen time period, and 50 signed up users in a previous time period, the Comparison % would show that signed up users were up 100% in the chosen time period.



Mobile App Revenue

The Mobile App Revenue card graphs the total sum of GMV of all sales on a line graph that occurred on the app during the chosen time period, as well as the very same metric, on a second line, that occurred during the previous period. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the Total Sales at the specific point in time that was hovered upon, the Total Sales in the corresponding previous period.
  • The Automated Insights of this card calculates and displays the total difference in the Sales between the chosen time period and the previous period.
  • The Comparison % of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period. For example, if Sales for YouSuper were $1,500 in the chosen time period, and were $1,000 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Sales were up 50% in the chosen time period.


Total Orders

The Total Orders graph shows the number of total orders on a line graph that occurred on the app during the chosen time period. Hovering over the graph, a prompt will indicate how many orders have occurred in a given time period.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the Total Orders at the specific point in time that was hovered upon, the Total Orders in the corresponding previous period.
  • The Automated Insights of this card calculates and displays the total difference in the total numbers of orders between the chosen time period and the previous period.
  • The Comparison % of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period. For example, if the number of orders for your app was 1500 in the chosen time period, and were 1,000 orders in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that orders were up 50% in the chosen time period.


Average Order Value

The Average Order Value card uses a horizontal bar chart to graph the average value of orders separated by device type (ie., iOS and Android). This metric is calculated by tracking the value of every single order on your app. Then, we take the average of every order. If a user does not ever make a purchase this does not factor into this metric. Hovering over the graph, a prompt will indicate how much has been spent per device in a given time period. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the average order value in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in average order value during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had an average order value of $100 in the chosen time period and $50 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that the average order value was up 100% in the chosen time period.


Source of Orders

The Source of Orders card uses a pie chart to display the sources which customers are using before entering the app and making an order (ie. Instagram, push notifications, organic, email). When hovering over the different sections of the chart, the number and percentage of users utilizing the indicated source will display in a prompt, in comparison with other sources, in a given time period.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the specific number of orders in the source of the pie chart that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in orders during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had 100 orders in the chosen time period, and 50 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that orders were up 100% in the chosen time period.


Orders by New vs. Returning Customers *Coming Soon*

The Orders by New vs. Returning Customers card uses a stacked bar chart to display a comparison between revenue separated by new and returning customers. Hovering over the graph, a prompt will appear for either the new customers or returning customers, indicating the revenue amount for either one and the percentage in a given time period.


Promo Code Revenue vs. Revenue

The Promo Code Revenue vs. Revenue card uses a stacked bar chart to show the revenue split between orders made in an app using a promotion code in comparison to those made without them. In order for revenue to be attributed to a promo code, a user must use a promo code for their purchase. A prompt will appear when hovering over a stacked bar separately for the Promo Code Revenue with the amount generated at a given time period and Revenue made without a promo code. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays both the revenue as well as promo code revenue area of the bar chart that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in promo code revenue during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares promo code revenue to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had $100 off promo code revenue in the chosen time period and $50 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that promo code revenue was up 100% in the chosen time period.



Repurchase Rate

The Repurchase Rate card uses a line graph to measure the percentage of users that have made purchases in an app multiple times in a chosen period of time. The numerator for this metric is the number of users that have purchased more than once and the denominator for this metric is the number of users that have purchased at least once.

The two buckets of sessions are distinguished by the two lines on the graph. Hovering over a given time period, the breakdown of the metrics of the current period and previous period will display. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the repurchase rate in the section of the line that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in repurchase rate during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had a 10% repurchase rate and 8% in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that the repurchase rate was up 25% in the chosen time period.


Average Session Length

The Average Session Length card uses a stacked graph to indicate the length of a session, separated by device users, specifically iOS and Android users. This metric aggregates all session lengths and divides them by the total number of sessions for a given time period.

A prompt will display upon hovering over a given time period to indicate the time usage per device. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the average session length in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in average session length during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had an average session length of 10 minutes in the chosen time period, and 5 minutes in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that the average session length was up 100% in the chosen time period.


Average Number of Sessions on App

The Average Number of Session on App card uses a horizontal bar chart to measure the average of sessions separated by device utilized, specifically iOS and Android. This metric aggregates all sessions and divides them by the unique users for a given time period. When hovering over the bar, the exact number of sessions will appear for each device.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the average number of sessions of the app in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in the average number of sessions of the app during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had an average number of sessions of 10 sessions in the chosen time period, and 5 sessions in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that the average number of sessions on the app was up 100% in the chosen time period.


Customer Lifetime Value

The Customer Lifetime Value card uses a line graph to display the average value of a user for a specified time period. This metric is calculated by multiplying 3 different aspects - the average order value, the average order frequency, and the ‘lifetime’ of a customer in years. Based on our research, the lifetime of a customer is 3 years. The exact number amount in dollar value will appear upon hovering over a given date within the line graph.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the average customer lifetime value in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in the customer lifetime value during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had a customer lifetime value of the app of $100 sessions in the chosen time period and $50  in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that customer lifetime value was up 100% in the chosen time period.


Dormancy Rate

The Dormancy Rate card uses a line graph to measure the percentage of users that have become dormant in the app in a specified time period. Unfortunately, there is no current way to track if an app has been uninstalled. However, during an analysis, the Tapcart team was able to determine that 230 days of inactivity signifies a dormant user - which we are able to track. Given this information, we calculate the dormancy rate as the number of users dormant for 230 days over the total number of app users.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the dormancy rate in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in the dormancy rate during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had an dormancy rate of 10% in chosen time period, and 5% in previous time period, the Comparison % would show that dormant rate was up 100% in chosen time period.


Average Order Frequency

The Average Order Frequency card uses a stacked chart to graph the number of times a user makes a purchase in an app, separated by device usage (iOS and Android), in a chosen time period. Hovering over the selected date and device will prompt the average. The numerator for this metric is the number of total orders and the denominator for this metric is the number of unique users. 

  •  The Data Tip of this card displays the Average Order Frequency in the section of the bar that was hovered upon.
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in the  Average Order Frequency during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had an Average Order Frequency of 2 in the chosen time period, and 1 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that the Average Order Frequency was up 100% in the chosen time period.


Push Explorer

Push Explorer (Total Push Performance vs Overall Performance)

The Push Explorer (Total Push Performance vs Overall Performance) shows the total performance for Push notifications as a channel. There is both a line for push performance and overall performance for the following metrics - sales, sessions, conversion rate, cart adds, and orders. This graph summarizes how the push notification channel performs in comparison to overall sales, sessions, conversion rate, cart adds, and orders during the time period selected.

The attribution of Push Notifications is defined as a three-day calendar window from when a user clicked on a push. So for example, if a user clicked a push notification on May 22 at 8 am and purchased something between that time and May 25 at 8 am then that push would get attribution for a sale, session, cart add, etc. Otherwise, if a user received a push notification but did not explicitly click on it, but made a purchase, the push channel would NOT get attribution.


Individual Push Performance

The Individual Push Performance chart shows the total performance for each individual push notification in a given time period of time. In this chart, you will see push performance for the following metrics - sales, sessions, conversion rate, cart adds, and orders.

The attribution of Push Notifications is defined as a three-day calendar window from when a user clicked on a push. So for example, if a user clicked a push notification on May 22 at 8 am and purchased something between that time and May 25 at 8 am then that push would get attribution for a sale, session, cart add, etc. If a user clicked on multiple pushes within a three-day period, the last push notification would get the attribution.  Otherwise, if a user received a push notification but did not explicitly click on it, but made a purchase, the push notification would NOT get attribution.


Customer Journey

 Conversion Funnel

The Conversion Funnel graph uses a stacked graph chart to display the lifecycle of order finalization - from session started, product viewed, added to cart, and order created.  A session will begin when the app is brought into the foreground and a session will end when the app goes into the background and no events are fired for more than 30 seconds. If a product is viewed, the product is added to the cart, or an order is created an event will be fired and will show on this graph.  The overall conversion funnel number here is defined as total orders created over total sessions started.  

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the number of sessions, products viewed, cart adds, and orders created during that time period
  • The Automated Insight of this card calculates and displays the % difference in the  Conversion Rate during the chosen time period.
  • The Comparison %  of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had a Conversion Rate of 2% in a chosen time period, and 1% in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Conversion Rate was up 100% in the chosen time period.


Product Searches

The Product Searches card uses a stacked graph chart to provide a visual of the ten top searched products amongst users. When a bar is hovered over,  the number of times a product was searched for, a product will populate for the chosen time period. The topline number will show the sum of all product searches.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the number of searches for that specific product hovered over
  • The Automated Insight of this card displays the top searched product during that time period 
  • The Comparison % of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had 10,000 Product Searches in a chosen time period, and 5,000 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Product Searches were up 100% in the chosen time period.



Product Views

The Product Views card uses a stacked graph chart to provide a visual of the ten top viewed products amongst users. When a bar is hovered over, the number of times a product was viewed for a product will populate for a chosen time period. The topline number will show the sum of product views for all products.

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the number of views for that specific product hovered over
  • The Automated Insight of this card displays the top viewed product during that time period 
  • The Comparison % of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had 10,000 Product Views in a chosen time period, and 5,000 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Product Views were up 100% in the chosen time period.


Products Wishlisted

The Products Wishlisted card uses a stacked graph chart to provide a visual of the ten top products that had been added to their wishlist or favorites amongst users. When either bar is hovered over, the number of times a product was added to a wishlist will populate for a chosen time period. The topline number will show the sum of all products wishlisted. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the number of favorites for that specific product hovered over
  • The Automated Insight of this card displays the top wishlisted product during that time period 
  • The Comparison % of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had 10,000 Product Wishlisted in a  chosen time period, and 5,000 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Product Wishlisted was up 100% in the chosen time period.


Products Purchased

The Products Purchased card uses a stacked graph chart to provide a visual of the ten top products that had been purchased amongst users. When either bar is hovered over, the number of purchases per product will populate for a chosen time period. The topline number will show the sum of all products purchased. 

  • The Data Tip of this card displays the number of purchases for that specific product hovered over
  • The Automated Insight of this card displays the top purchased product during that time period 
  • The Comparison % of the summary number compares this number to the very same number in the previous period.
    • For example, if your app had 10,000 Product Purchases in the chosen time period, and 5,000 in the previous time period, the Comparison % would show that Product Purchases were up 100% in the chosen time period.



The Insights Pro Dashboard is currently in beta and we are preparing for its release in Q2! Be one of the first to know once it's available to purchase by signing up here

More Questions 

To learn more about Tapcart, visit Tapcart Academy to become a mobile app expert!

If you have any questions about your Tapcart Insights Dashboard, we're happy to help! You can chat with us through our LiveChat in your Tapcart dashboard or email us at help@tapcart.co! 


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