How to Unpublish your Apps

This guide will walk you through how to unpublish your app from sale in the App and Google Play Stores by making them unavailable for public download while you await launch!

App Store Steps

  1. Log in to App Store Connect 
  2. Click into ‘My Apps’ 
  3. Open the desired app you would like to remove 
  4. Select ‘Pricing and Availability' 
  5. Choose ‘Remove from Sale’ to hide your appScreen_Shot_2021-12-16_at_10.59.05_AM.png

Google Play Steps 

  1. Log in to Google Play Console 
  2. Select the desired app you would like to remove 
  3. On the left side menu, select the drop-down next to ‘Setup’
  4. Click into ‘Advanced Settings’
  5. Under ‘App Availability’ select ‘Unpublished’ and save Screen_Shot_2021-12-16_at_11.00.01_AM.png


When you want to republish your apps for download, there is a propagation period that occurs. The time frame can vary between 2-4 days. 

More Questions 

To learn more about Tapcart, visit Tapcart Academy to become a mobile app expert!

Have more questions, we’re happy to help, please reach out to us through support LiveChat in your Tapcart dashboard or email us at!


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